Researches show that majority of the Start Ups don't last even for five years. Even if they do, their survival rate drops!!!
It is also evident from researches that business owners despite less access to capital, added stress juggling work & family demands; are not only managed to be successful but also could make their mark...
Get Ready To Become The Leader Of Your Business Domain By Creating Neural Pathways For Business Success
through an Easy to Learn & Less Time Taking Online Course
- Take your Business to New Heights
- Get Quantifiable Results in the form of consistent sales, increased business turnover, delighted customers & business partners.
- Sustain Business Success & become the leader of your domain.
You The Leader Of Your Domain Who Excel 🎯 In Your Business
By the end of this course:
✔️You’ll start developing PATTERNS for BUSINESS SUCCESS.
✔️You’ll learn to take that 20% INSPIRED ACTION which contributes 80% to your business success.
✔️Your MIND POWER starts increasing & you’ll start developing STRATEGIC THINKING.
✔️You’ll start being in your FLOW & STAY FOCUSED for a long time even amidst different kinds of distractions.
✔️You’ll better get connected to your POWER SOURCE which will direct you towards creating breakthroughs.
✔️You’ll start seeing things with not half glass full but with FULL GLASS FULL(explained in the course) hence you'll start experiencing visible results.
✔️You’ll start getting WHOLISTIC development as your overall health; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual starts improving.
✔️You’ll start developing CHARISMA for leadership of your domain.
✔️Mom Entrepreneurs
✔️Entrepreneurs who want to take their business to higher level & sustain their Business Success
✔️ Small, Medium & Big Business
You will learn & discover:
- Practical & Innovative set of tools based on Neuro Linguistic Programming( NLP) for speeding up the process of business success & simultaneously inducing charismatic leadership in you.
- Different business tools to tackle the challenges like conquering new territory in business, team building & business partnerships and assertive & commanding presence.
- How one quotient(in addition to emotional & intelligent quotient) explained in course can give you competitive advantage.
- Necessary Configuration for Business Success.
- Creative problem solving & creative thinking.
- More Clarity in goals & you know Clarity is Power.
- More Relaxed & be in Certain Brain Wave Patterns which attracts Success in all aspects.
- You are carrying magic wand with you all the time which can turn your business venture into an extremely profitable one.
Course will help you to bring you in your "Inner Flow" so that you can access more efficiently your Guidance System which is inbuilt in you.🌠
This Guidance System not only helped scientists, artists to invent mind blowing inventions, creating master pieces of art but also helped ordinary entrepreneurs to bring amazing business innovations which dramatically improved their sales turnover, business relationships, business growth etc. & made them Leader of their domain.
- Five Star Ratings by NASA
- Success Patterns Award: Berenyi Inc., USA
- Recognized by Harvard
- Author
- Finalist for NASA-USSOCOM Cubesat Challenge
- Among Top 5 for biggest NASA Robotic Arm Architecture Challenge.
- Creator of Online Course “Neural Pathways For Business Success: Be The Leader Of Your Domain”
I help you develop right set of Neural Pathways to make you successful leader of your business domain through my course in which I put those tools & techniques which I learned over the years after a lot of trials & errors. But you are lucky as you are getting the essence of what I've learned in an encapsulated form.
Don't sweat too much(LOL) in finding the buzz term "Neural Pathways" & how they determine one's success or failure. I'm explaining here(read below also) so that you start learning the essence & simultaneously start developing required neural pathways from the course, rather than wasting much time in understanding jargon. I want you to get benefited from the course as soon as you start enrolling.
So Neural Pathways are like roads. Just like the road leads to particular destination. Neural Pathways decide whether you will get from Point A to Point B or not.
Just take care of the thing that you are on the right road.
Neural Pathways correspond to Thinking Patterns which decides your Actions & Responses. In turn these Actions & Responses determine the destiny of your business.
✔️Every Success including Business Success starts from inside. It starts from developing those Neural Pathways which make you to act in a specific way!!!
Researches show that majority of the Start Ups don't last even for five years. Even if they do, their survival rate drops!!!
Let me answer this after you have a look at it.
Astronauts, Navy SEALS, Olympic Athletes & Many Leading Businesses, are using Neurolinguistic Programming(NLP) for desired neuroplasticity & to create certain neural pathways for massive success & desired results.
Successful Small businesses, Multinational Organisations, Private sector, Public sector & Entrepreneurs are ahead of their time as they are already using Neurolinguistic Programming(NLP) & repeating its benefits.
Besides knowing all factors like fulfilling customer needs, satisfying your employees, execution of plans, risk taking, networking etc.; It is the neural pathways which takes the major stake in Entrepreneurial Success.
In actual any success including Entrepreneurial Success starts with training your brain. There are certain patterns of thinking, neural pathways, which lead to success. You might have also heard buzzword "Neuroplasticity", which is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself.
So the good news is that mind can be transformed. Our brain has amazing ability to reorganize itself, create new neural pathways, and expand neural networks. One simple way to create these pathways is to change your recurring thought pattern.
And now coming to the question how those entrepreneurs became hugely successful when even their survival was uncertain?
It is because they consciously or unconsciously learned to form & strengthen a set of certain Neural Pathways which drove them to succeed enormously amidst hardships.
Our present successes or failures are the result of these neural pathways.
Neural Pathways are a series of networks of neurons in the brain that connect the cerebral areas & become ingrained when we repeatedly think, feel & act certain thoughts & beliefs.
It is the neural pathway which ignites passion.
You will be surprised to learn that neural pathway is again responsible for sustaining business success.
The neural pathways which are responsible for making successful & great entrepreneurs can be formed by certain tools & techniques. In other words, the best version of you & "New Entrepreneur" can be digged out, you can be rewired for the success which without doubt you deserve!
So you can expect to form new neural pathways required for massive business success while learning from this course.
The undesirable thought patterns which had formed from external stimulus like bad sales call or dissatisfaction about your product or service, can be undone. Also root of the problem can be cured & your product or service can be improved as well.
There can be many ways of bringing desired patterns as there can be many different paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.
Here are some of them:
- Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP)
- Mindset Reinforcing
- Self-Awareness
- Relaxation
- Certain Brain Wave Patterns
- Environment which gives you Right Nourishment & Healthy Challenges
To Practically implement them & create Desired Business Reality, You can undergo this course.
Seeing the hectic schedule & reasonable demand of achieving more in less time, elements of entrepreneurial success is encapsulated in this course "Neural Pathways For Business Success:Be The Leader Of Your Domain" which will take less time to read & learn. You just need to learn it with clean slated mind & visualize the success which no doubt you deserve! The course is about discovering "The never lost but hidden" in you. The hidden which is on being discovered not only will benefit you totally but will also affect your circumference effortlessly in a positive manner. The particle which differentiates great leaders from leaders & how these great leaders sustain their success, are revealed in this course.
🎇Special Offer for a limited period of time:
You are getting it at
$333 only for one time payment.
Total value of Package(Course + Bonus Technique)
= $1238($888 + $350).
You are getting $905 OFF.
So grab it at just $333 only for one time payment as mentioned above.
If you're unhappy for any reason, you'll get your money back 😌.
So Become The Architect Of Your Brain & Take Your Business To New Heights.
Course Curriculum
StartPower Lecture 1: Introduction about "The never lost but hidden" in You
StartPower Lecture 2: How does this Super Efficient Course Fit for You?
StartPower Lecture 3: Table Of Contents: 3 Chapters Divided into 33 Sections
StartPower Lecture 4: What if one day you get some Magic Wand? Well You literally have!
StartPower Lecture 5: How to get Growth Mindset?
StartPower Lecture 6: How to Wire a Better Version of You?
StartPower Lecture 7: How To Raise Your Self-Awareness?
StartPower Lecture 8: Neuroplasticity & Business Success
StartPower Lecture 9: How to create Neural Pathways for Success? Magic Wand in You Explained; Importance of being in "Flow" & more.
StartPower Lecture 10: How to bring Unexpected Positive Results? Why Optimistic Is Only Realistic? Visualization & many more..
StartPower Lecture 11: Team Building & Business Partnerships
StartPower Lecture 12: Assertive & Commanding Presence
StartPower Lecture 13: How to Tune Yourself into the Wavelength of Success?
StartPower Lecture 14: Settle For Best Of The Best
StartPower Lecture 15: Crux Of The Course
StartBonus Technique To Boost Results
StartKeep Believing In Miracles because..
StartPowerPoint Presentation of 33 Sections Under 3 Chapters
Get started now!
Frequently Asked Questions
"Book was also good but to have in depth understanding of essence & to get resultant desired business success, preferred online course & was not disappointed."
- Tim
Your Instructor
Lata Koundal hails from India, has interest in various fields. She holds an MBA after getting Bachelors in Life Sciences. She participated in NASA's "Robotic Arm Architecture Challenge" in 2016 & earned Five Star Ratings from them which was booster for her to reach new heights as in the same year she won challenges in other fields too like Success Patterns Award from Berenyi Inc. USA & got honored from Harvard University for being a winner. Continuing her journey & keeping up the momentum, she published her first book "See! You've a Magic Wand! (Innovative Tools for Entrepreneurs)" in which she poured the wisdom earned through out, presenting necessary configuration for success in leadership for aspiring, budding & veteran entrepreneurs. Despite her hectic schedule of making entrepreneurs aware of her book, she managed to be Finalist for NASA-USSOCOM Cubesat challenge & among Top 5 for the biggest NASA Astrobee Challenge recently. Now she wants to share her success formula with entrepreneurs in a better & detailed way through her online course "Neural Pathways For Business Success: Be The Leader Of Your Domain" which she developed from her book for better & detailed understanding of entrepreneurs.
Get started now!
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Don't delay your Business Success. Learn to become the Leader of Your Domain.
Your Transformation is the ultimate objective of this course.
Grab the opportunity by Enrolling Yourself Now!
Get the Vibes to make Breakthroughs in your Business Domain.